Kurzwanderung bei Markelfingen

Verfasst von Karl Honsel Karl Honsel

Wir laden Euch alle ein am ...

Samstag, den 06. November 2021 
zur 2,5 - stündigen Wanderung in unsere nähere Heimat, durch den Wald bei Markelfingen und über die grüne Brücke der Autobahn zur Einkehr in das Naturfreundehaus.
Wir treffen uns um 13.00 Uhr auf dem Parkplatz Friedhof in Markelfingen, die Wanderführung übernimmt Adolf Wild Tel. 07732- 5 70 43   
 ***Bitte jeweils die aktuellen Corona-Vorschriften beachten!***

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EthanJenkins EthanJenkins
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Re: Kurzwanderung bei Markelfingen

Environment of Germany
In Germany, the amount of alternative and nuclear energy consumed amounts to 11.2% of the total energy use. Germany emits 8.9 metric tons per capita of CO₂.

Total land area of Germany is 357,022 km2 (approx. 137,846 mi²). 114190 km2 of Germany's territory is covered in forests. and forest land comprises 32% of all the land in the country.

Issues Germany faces
Currently Germany faces various issues, including emissions from coal-burning utilities and industries that contribute to air pollution, acid rain, resulting from sulfur dioxide emissions, is damaging forests, pollution in the Baltic Sea from raw sewage and industrial effluents from rivers in eastern Germany, hazardous waste disposal, government established a mechanism for ending the use of nuclear power over the next 15 years, government working to meet EU commitment to identify nature preservation areas in line with the EU's Flora, Fauna, and Habitat directive.